Ten Burning Questions with Victoria Nutt
Tell us a bit about yourself?
Hello! I am Victoria I am the sewing tutor at the Sew Studio – I teach weekly dressmaking and beginners classes as well as one day projects and sewing weekenders with Jen Hogg. I am a local girl although I moved out of Dunfermline at the age of 17 to pursue a career in fashion. My job as a merchandiser took me to London but I decided to move home in 2014 when I was pregnant with my daughter Evelyn. I now have a little boy (Morgan) too, who is 5.

I love sewing and spend many nights on the machine making things, mostly for myself. I enjoy learning new techniques and sewing patterns that have an unusual construction or detail. When I’m not sewing, I am with my family playing board games, watching movies and getting out to the local parks and beaches.
What is your earliest memory of sewing?
I’ve always been surrounded by creative women. My mum and Gran both sewed and made things for me and our home growing up but they never taught me how to sew. I can understand this as a parent myself now – sewing is my thing! I remember making a Noddy doll at high school during home economics for my wee cousin.
Who is your creative inspiration?
I am inspired by so many things and people. I get a lot of inspiration from Instagram and enjoy following loads of brilliant sewers on there. The #sewscottish hashtag is a good source of inspiration too. Being a retail girl at heart I’m also inspired the trends on the high street. I love Zara and H&M.
We often talk about what we love about sewing, but can you name three things you dislike about it?
That’s so difficult! Mmmm, I dislike that it is an expensive hobby! I don’t really enjoy pattern tracing. Finally, I really hate when something doesn’t turn out the way you’d hoped. That can be a real blow. To finish on a positive though, the benefits to sewing totally outweigh any negatives and you can’t beat the feeling when your sewing turns out just right.
What was the turning point at which you decided to teach?
When I decided to go back to work when my kids were old enough to be left with Granny, I worked part time for Aileen in SYC. People often came in and said they had a sewing machine and didn’t know how to use it. Some confessing it had never been out of the box! I realised that I could be the person teach the people of Fife! Also, I have often been told I am bossy but good with people and have a teacher/dominatrix presence about me!
Would you ever enter the Great British Sewing Bee?
I would LOVE to do the sewing bee but unfortunately I can’t as I studied sewing as part of my degree. I love sewing under pressure and am very competitive!
What’s the proudest thing you have ever made?
The proudest thing I have made is always the latest thing off my machine! I love making coats and was particularly pleased with the Peacoat I made my husband for Christmas last year.
What are you making at the minute?
At the moment I have about 4 projects cut out ready to sew including a Redwood tote and some Ginger jeans. However, I am currently working on a business venture called Little Rosy Cheeks which is taking up most of my time. I am going to be selling sewing labels with a difference and a selection of vintage buttons. So, watch this space!
What’s next for you?
Next week I am meeting with Aileen from The Sew Studio to plan in some new classes for 2021. I’ll be continuing with my regular ‘Dressmaking Club’ classes but also adding in some new and exciting projects. Jen Hogg and I will also be planning in some new weekenders.
I’m hoping to launch Little Rosy Cheeks in the next month and fingers crossed that keeps me busy!